* Multiple Choice
* Short Constructed Response
* Extended Constructed Response
As you look at these sample questions, the New York site recommends you do the following:
* Interpret the way the standards are conceptualized in each question.
* Note the multiple ways the standard is assessed throughout the sample questions.
* Take note of numbers (e.g., fractions instead of whole numbers) used in the samples.
* Pay attention to the strong distractors in each multiple-choice question.
* Don’t consider these questions to be the only way the standard will be assessed.
* Don’t assume that the sample questions represent a mini-version of future state assessments.
* Sample Smarter Balance Math Items - SBAC http://www.yuureka.com/resources-1/common-core/SBACSampleMathItems.pdf?attredirects=0&d=1
* Sample Smarter Balance ELA and Math Items in a ppt http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sa/documents/ab250typassit512.pdf
* Sample Math Items - SBAC Showcase Draft 1
* Sample 4th Gr Math Items - SBAC Showcase Draft 2 http://www.smarterbalanced.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/DRAFTMathItemSpecsShowcase2.pdf
* SBAC Math Test Item Specifications: Showcase 3 (2/2012) - (reposted)
* Content Specifications for the Summative assessment of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (reposted)
Assessing Mathematical Understanding - Kindergarten and 1st Grade - aligned with Common Core - includes video clips http://educationnorthwest.org/common-core/assessing-mathematical-understanding
Protocols and Research to look at Depth of Knowledge in the Classroom
Depth of Knowledge
* Overview and resources http://www.ecarter.k12.mo.us/dept/curriculum/dok.html
* Authentic Instruction and Assessment http://www.smallschoolsproject.org/PDFS/meetings/auth_instr_assess.pdf
* Cognitive Rigor Study -- 200 public schools submitted student work samples that were analyzed based on the Cognitive Rigor matrix SBAC is using
After analyzing thousands of student work samples, here's what they found:
Mathematics Assessment Project (MARS) - Tasks, Lessons, Tests - correlations to Common Core Standards http://map.mathshell.org/materials/index.php
Formative Assessment http://map.mathshell.org.uk/static/draft/pd/modules/1_Formative_Assessment/pdf/1_Formative_Assessment_Guide.pdf
Mathematics Assessment Project for Middle School (MARS) http://map.mathshell.org/materials/lessons.php?taskid=415&subpage=problem
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